Founding an Interspecies Design Studio
Esther Kaya Stögerer & Jannis Kempkens
MA Graduation Projekt
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Patricia Ribault, Dr. Bertram Schmidt (Applied & Molecular Microbiology, TU Berlin), Dr. Stefan Junne (Bioprocess Engineering Institute for Biotechnology, TU Berlin), Dr. Jörg Freyhof (Museum of Natural History, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Research), Dr. Erich Schopf (freelance bacteriologist)

To create a livable future for as many living beings as possible on this planet, „Founding an Interspecies Design Studio“ explores the complex relationships, challenges, and possibilities of collaborating with other species. The studio paves the way—working with fungi, bacteria, insects, and algae—to investigate the intricate metabolic relationships between species, making existing cycles visible through the intentional curation of their metabolic flows.
The idea of collaborating with other species and forming an “Interspecies Dream Team” aims to take a playful approach while also offering a potential way to address issues such as species extinction and the climate crisis. Central to this is the need to develop a responsible attitude and an understanding of social justice in relation to other species.