Development of a technological platform to integrate sensory and actory functions into a textile, to support the therapy of people with hemiplegia.
The transdisciplinary research-project „TheraTex“ deals with the development of an e-textile platform. By integrating sensory and actory functions into a textile, the therapy of people with hemiplegia will be supported. For this purpose patients, their relatives, medicals and therapeutics are involved in the Human-Centered Design process. Focused on their needs and symptomatic-related requirements a combination of innovative sensory will be used. The movements and posture will be tracked and analyzed by the software and gives an haptical and interactive feedback to the user. The patients will be activated, motivated and supported in their movements. In that way an innovative therapy approach will developed, to support people outside the clinic and give them the possibility to train in their private surrounding. Furthermore treatment progression and success will be measurable and comprehensibly.
The project had a successful end with a final symposium at the kunsthochschule weißensee berlin on 11/22.

This video shows the vision of TheraTex (in collaboration with ART+COM)
Lead: Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina
DXM Researcher: Dr. Julia Danckwerth, Fabian Neumüller
Student assistants: Lilo Ming Kiefer, Linda Kettler
Valitech GmbH & Co.KG
ART+COM studios
Strick Zella GmbH
Fraunhofer Institut für Silikatforschung ISC
rehamed-tec Herrmann & Hecht GbR
TU Berlin Forschungsschwerpunkt Technologien der Mikroperipherik
Associated Partners:
Medical Park Humboldtmühle

Research project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of zwanzig20 and futureTEX