Project PI: patient tests
in the St. Joseph Krankenhaus – Clinic for Obstetrics, Berlin
The “PI project” is developing an innovative sports belt that uses modulated medium-frequencies (EMA) to support postnatal muscle building of the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
Our team tested the sports belt with mothers from the maternity ward at St. Joseph Hospital with regard to fit, comfort, handling and the subjective perception and effect of the modulated medium-frequencies (EMA).
The belt works at frequencies of up to 2000 Hz and stimulates the muscles effectively – without the use of vaginal or anal electrodes. It has a modular structure and adapts flexibly to the mothers’ physical changes. The system provides efficient and user-friendly support for postnatal muscle building just a few days after giving birth.
The data and feedback we collected from the patients are now being incorporated into the further development and adaptation of the sports belt by our project partner Born GmbH.

Lead: Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina
Researchers: Elisabeth Oestringer, Dr. Julia Danckwerth, Fabian Neumüller
Künstlerische Mitarbeiterin: Linda Kettler
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e. V.